Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lolo - Knocked up Edition

So I don't want to turn this into a Paleo pregnancy blog. But I guess it's going to be at least 1/3 a paleo pregnancy blog.

So, I'm 3 1/2 months pregnant. Yay!  It's been complex in certain ways, but great in others. No morning sickness! But lots of belly aches and constipation. Also, I have been off and on out of control with sugar. I am never out of control with sugar when not pregnant. Of course when I'm not pregnant, I have 1-2 glasses of red wine most nights. And when I did my 30 days of pure paleo, I was out of control with fruit. Which I seem to be lately as well. I've been downing watermelon and mangoes and cantaloupe like I'm a tenderloin drag queen and fruit is a size 15 knock off Manolos.  But I don't want to be out of control with sugar anymore.  A few weeks ago, I tried a week of pure paleo but wound up losing a ridiculous amount of weight in less than a week. So that's not for me.
I know that I can get calcium in  ways other than dairy, but really, who wants to eat that much canned salmon? Certainly not me. But kefir has been doing me well. So, I plan on doing paleo and continuing to report daily on my food because I like that.
I also plan on having a non- Paleo day every once in a while (like today! and probably at least once a week) because it's cruel to deny a pregnant lady pizza and chocolate. However, I have noticed that when I eat like crap, I get horribly constipated. So, I would like to stay pretty close to Paleo. With the addition of cultured dairy, fermented foods (miso, sauerkraut, etc), some tofu-- I know that soy and pregnancy are not necessarily awesome together, but I've been having ridiculous tofu cravings throughout this pregnancy. So, tofu it is. And some beans and chickpeas. So, it's barely pure paleo, but it's right for me. I am hoping to get up to 150-155 pounds.
Unfortunately, I can't exercise because of some pregnancy complications. I haven't gone on a run since March 4th and I'm sort of going fucking crazy. I was hoping to run through the whole pregnancy. But now, it seems that I won't be able to run at all. I can't even swim or do anything strenuous. Very yucky.  Back when I was in high school, I was a competitive swimmer. After that, I took a little while off of swimming, but got back into it by my third year of college.  Strenuous exercise just makes me feel right. And right now I feel wrong. In fact, my body is all jacked up. I am in pain all up and down my right side. I feel like ass. I went to my chiropractor and for a massage, and I still feel like total shit. And I can't take anything for it. But I digress. Shit, this is becoming a kvetch blog. But anyway, yeah, I'll report in most days with food and all that.

exes and ohs-- Lolo.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lolo Day - Days 12-14

All is good in Paleo land. Food is good, poopings good, (thanks to the magic of chia seeds) and I'm feeling a little bit more hearty these days, which is good. Decided to add some fermented dairy in (kefir) because it helps with my digestion in a way that sauerkraut just doesn't. In fact, sauerkraut has an unfortunate circumstance of making me nauseated. I actually think that one of the fatal flaws of the Paleo diet is no including fermented foods, which are phenomenal for keeping my digestion good and keeping me healthy.  So, I'm back to my daily glass (or two) of kefir per day which makes me happy. Of course I'm not adding honey to it, which makes me sad, but staying away from sugar is a better way for me to go. Okay gotta go.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lolo Days 7 & 8- taking a cue from Mr. Sinatra and doing it my way (or Sid Vicious)

Days 7 & 8 went well, except for probably eating too much on Sunday which gave me a horrible belly ache that lasted all day yesterday and it's finally starting to subside. I had a lovely chia pudding with walnuts and prunes and bananas and dates for desert on Sunday night and man, it did a number on my digestive track. I think I cleaned out years worth of intestinal debris over the past 30 hours.  Had dinner out with the husband at this cute little place and ate an artichoke stuffed with crab and shrimp and a plain salad on the side. Freaking delicious and very paleo. There was nothing suspect except for mayo on the side, which I gleefully indulged in. Oh wait, maybe that's what did it to my bowels... hmmm...
Yesterday was light on the food just because the belly was so very unhappy.
Lunch was some tofu and dinner was a delicious concoction of sweetpotatoes, red chard, onions, garlic, chicken, and chickpeas spiced with tumeric, cumin, and cayenne and a miso/tahini dressing that I made to dress it up. It was so good and even the Goose loved it. Of course sweetpotatoes are controversial in some paleo circles. But I think they're fine, I ate them in the last incarnation and will continue to. And chickpeas and soy (as in tofu and miso) are definitely not paleo in any circle, but as I said before, I've modified it to make it work for me, and moderate amounts of soy and chickpeas work for me. As a vegan I ate tons of soy, and then, I became vehemently anti-soy. And of course the Weston Price people think soy is the devil. I sort of agree. It's not super good for you in high doses, the way I used to eat it. But I certainly don't think that the one off stir fry with tofu in it is going to hurt me and it sits well with me. It's hard to piece all these things together. Like Weston Price is all about dairy, paleo is all about no dairy, Slow Carb is about no fruit or nuts, and lots of legumes, paleo is about fruit,
and nuts, but no legumes.  I think that no one outside of you can tell you exactly how to eat, you just have to figure out what works for your body. For me, fruit, limited dairy, limited soy, legumes, veggies and meat and seeds and limited nuts seems to work the best. Paleo wasn't great for me last time around because my hormones got all jacked up from all the coconuts and nut products. I had horrible periods and lots of eczema. But now, it seems to be working. I can't say that I'm pure paleo. I'm Paleololo and that seems to feel right. No intense cravings or weird hormonal shifts and absolutely zero eczema breakouts. So yay for that!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Koko - Day 7 Dream

Forgot to mention that I dreamed last night that I ate not one, not two, but THREE gigantic cinnamon buns. I kept thinking, "My god, I'll have to blog about these."

So here I am.

Koko - Days 6 and 7

Take me out to the baaaalllll game. With neither peanuts nor Crackerjack. Or rum in a flask, for that matter. I spent a victorious A's game eating carrots and healthy turkey meat dipped in guacamole. It was nice, though I do notice that pretty much everything I do is a tad less fun when I'm not drinking. Is that alcoholism, I wonder? Or do people drink for a reason? You know: because it's fun?

I practiced driving, from home to the Colloseum. The A's smoked the Mariners. It was Japanese Heritage Day and Matsui got his 2500th career run. I got a lot of reading done and felt happy to be in the sun.

Later, dinner at my dad's house. I am forever surprised by what people eat and call healthy. His wife is a smug Weight Watcher who has a bunch of digestive issues but is still very attached to fiber, whole grains, low fat and fake sugar. Yet she is also a totally self-righteous "real foody" and a quasi-vegetarian. It's fun eating and talking about food over there!

Dinner was burgers, grilled onions, avocados, cole slaw (lo-fat mayo, very sweet) and sweet potato fries.  God knows what my kid ate all day with them - he had explosive and mucousy diarrhea and kicked me and screamed in his sleep all night. Boo.

Cucu – Top O’ Week Two

Just a quick update regarding how I’m doing.
The scale this morning states I’m down 9 lbs., which is hard to believe, as I generally work out harder at the beginning of a weight loss endeavor. But after a week of clean eating and several light cardio outings, I’ll take it! Huzzah! Also, I do believe the fish oil has greased my joints a bit, so I’m feeling a smidge more spring in my step.
While I feel good, I don’t feel void of cravings—it took all the strength I could muster a couple nights ago to skip the Jack in the Box drive-thru for a mint Oreo cookie shake and head home for an apple and nuts. I will continue to monitor my cravings, and while I know they’ll never altogether disappear, my hope is they at least quiet waaaay down. Lastly, I'm feeling tired, but I suspect I will pep up once I start working out harder/sleeping sounder.
As for food, I was Pretty in Paleo but for a bowl of chili, one french fry and three Junior Mints (a birthday outing with my niece is to blame), a couple Starbucks coffees with ½ and ½, and gluten-free whey protein, which is either acceptable or not depending on which Paleo expert you’re reading. I think it’s also worth mentioning I'm overall enjoying the meal plan, and I kicked ass on a spaghetti squash and meat sauce recipe—that there squash will likely be a weekly staple. Yum!
So far, so goodness.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lolo Days 5 & 6

Day 5 was great, I discovered the best, but most ridiculously expensive paleo snack, made by Zen Monks in Detroit. I didn't know that Detroit had monks, but whatevs. Anyway,  I'll never buy these again because they're so damn overpriced. But so fucking good.  Delicious in fact. Yesterday,  day 6, my planned falling off went right according to plan. It was fine. Lots of motorloaf and scones and cream and jam and even going out to a bar where adult beverages were flowing and I even ate a whole burrito for dinner.  But back to it today.Yay for today!
I went to the doctor on Friday and discovered that I lost two pounds since I went last which was after our last 30 day Paleo challenge. I really don't want to be losing weight this time around, so I'm probably going to increase dairy.  Last time I went high on the coconut and nuts thing, but my eczema and my period were both awful and I don't want to trigger any weird hormonal shit this time. So, this time around, lots more dates and fruits of all kind and I'm gonna up my dairy and chickpeas. I realized that if you stick with Paleo pretty strictly and don't go nuts on nuts, weight just kind of falls off inadvertently. 
Okay, I'm off to whole foods to buy Kale and butternut squash and lots of other yummy stuff.

x's and o's

Friday, April 1, 2011

Koko - Days 4 and 5

One work week down. Going okay, wicked boo hoo pms not withstanding. I sat through two visits to the local ice cream parlor, dinner at this sweet restaurant, and the entire first half of a school play (which featured 4 year olds singing selections from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, I kid you not), all without even one little nip of alcohol.

A bit of dairy has snuck in (the unasked-for bleu cheese on tonight's burger, a bit of half and half in yesterday's coffee) and I'm reminded that I can't have Lara Bars around. I ate two today, in lieu of food. And then I ate food. Otherwise, I'm on the paleo-la-la path (which is how I do paleo while also indulging my dorky francophilia. I'm reading this right now and really loving it despite near-constant references to patisseries.)

Exercise has fallen off this week so that's a goal to pick up again. I have other, non-paleo goals I'm working on and those are going well. One is to wear pretty underwear every day. Because, you know: I'm deep.

So sleepy. Off to dreamland pour moi.
